Our District is made up of 10 Circuits in 5 county areas: Gloucestershire, Somerset, Wiltshire, Bristol and the edge of Oxfordshire.


The official website with information on Methodism and its history; its vision and values; and mission work that takes place.

Methodist Women in Britain (MWiB) is a movement within the British Methodist Church which seeks to resource individual women and women’s groups in a variety of ways. 


The New Room in Bristol is the oldest Methodist building in the world (originally built in 1739) and the cradle of the early Methodist movement.
It was built and used by John Wesley and the early Methodists as a meeting and preaching place and the centre for helping and educating the needy members of the community.
The Grade 1 listed building is where people can learn about the life and ministry of John Wesley and the establishment of the Methodist Church. The facilities include the chapel; an interactive museum; a library, archives and resources; a café and a shop. Worship continues here regularly and various events are also held.
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Conference and Retreat Centre

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A Word in Time Bible Study

A lectionary taken from the Methodist Prayer Handbook

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Search the Bible, see how the Bible is changing lives and find out more about the Bible

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Christianlity Enquiry Agency button


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Leaders of Worship and Preachers Trust. The website includes access to Preach Magazine website resources

Bible Month Logo

Bible Month is an opportunity for churches and individuals to spend four-weeks engaging solely with one book of the Bible. 
In 2025 the subject is the Gospel of John.
Information about this, and previous years, can be found here